0:00:00 | Heppoko
0:00:00 | Heppoko
0:00:00 | Heppoko
0:01:27 | Heppoko
23:50:17 | Heppoko
次世代Unreal Tournament Pre Alpha版の今週分のビルドである、ビルド2330705が10/16付けでリリースされている。
今回より、Steven Polgeによる修正リストが追加されている。
- Mouse Input IS FIXED!!!
- Fixed spurious mouse movements generated by slate and passed to game.
- Fixed a frame of lag for mouse input being introduced by slate.
- New framerate smoothing system.
- New unsteady frame rate emulation system.
- SetMouseSensitivityUT command to allow setting sensitivity that saves to config via console
- Movement
- Can now push off walls and bottom when swimming (jump or dodge). Push impulse is controlled by editable UTCharacterMovement property SwimmingWallPushImpulse.
- Scale velocity down on entering water by water volumes by PawnEntryVelZScaling, and water volume also controls BrakingDecelerationSwimming.
- Don't impart negative Z velocity from movers when jump off them.
- Lifts will now retrigger if a pawn is still standing on it when it returns to the bottom
- Added support for drowning, concept of head being underwater
- Added support for water footsteps and landing splash sound.
Weapons- Tweaked flak shell arc slightly.
- Reduced flak shard bounce
- Reduced collision size of translocator disk.
- Translocatgor Disk orients properly on slopes.
- Translocator Disk has momentum imparted when shot.
- Reduced translocator bring up and put down times.
- Translocator disk mesh now blocks shots.
- Telefragging gibs the victim.
- Headshots now possible any time acceleration is zero (for example while falling if not air controlling).
- Fixed sniper aiming reticle when using forward prediction.
- Fixed projectiles affecting lifts.
- Fixed sniper rifle visible while zoomed
- Networking
- UT specific server max tick rate implementation.
- Fixed bug in rewinding player positions and added interpolation between rewind positions.
- Fixed fake projectile crash.
- UI
- Team Colored Mid-game Menu
- Added blueprint hooks for local messages
- Added bot count to Create Game UI.
- The UI now remembers the last gametype and map that were selected.
- Fixed game name localization.
- Added a keybind for SwitchToBestWeapon and hooked it up to the menus.
- Fixed dialogs passing various input back to the game while up.
- Community fix for the OSS not being initialized correctly in some instances. Thanks Stephen Whittle
- Fixed system settings menu crash in PIE
- Added the GameClock to DM
- Added the ability to set a hud widget's size via the ini
- Fixed up the styles / layout of system settings.
- Display the weapon name when switching weapons
- Fixed messages overlaying each other
- Made a native c++ game message handler
- Server Browser
- Fixed the server browser not correctly sinking unreachable servers during sort
- Fixed the server browser starting with the player/rules lists almost invisible
- Fixed passworded servers
- Bots
- Fixed bots needing multiple attempts to make lift jumps in some cases
- Fixed bots getting stuck firing charged weapons
- Fully hooked up bot selection of fire mode into the aiming system, so bots will determine the fire mode they want slightly in advance and aim towards the correct point for it
- Hooked up warning system of incoming weapons fire and an early pass of bots dodging incoming fire at high enough skill
- Profiles
- Added the concept for dirty to profiles
- Bumped the Min/Current profile versions to force a clean slate
- Added WeaponBob, Viewbob, AutoWeaponSwitch and FFA Color to the profile
- Added Weapon Priority to the profile
- Fixed the path for setting the player name to try and sure it always writes it to the profile
- Misc. Gameplay
- Added blueprint friendly state change delegate for Carried Objects (Flags)
- UTCharacter has fall back water entry/exit sounds if custom ones are defined by the watervolume.
- Added OwnFootstepSound property to UTCharacter. Allows custom cue for footsteps made by your own character.
- Changes to overtime when bOnlyTheStrongSurvive is set
- Forced the PC in to spectating when they die in overtime so they can view those that are alive
- "You didn't make the cut" is now a game message
- Fixed people going from negative kills to 0 triggering goal score
- Reduced spawn protection to 2.5 seconds
- Don't show spawn protection for teammates.
- Fixed spectator HUD display
- Don't show paperdoll when viewtarget is dead
- Level Updates
- fixed bad window collision
- added tall lifts
- experimenting with some small layout/item tweaks
- more layout tweaks
- More minor item tweaking
- blocking volume pass for windows
- moved thighpads
- DM-Overlord:
- Now included
- some tweaks/bug fixes, nothing major yet
- Opened up two extra paths towards middle
- Started putting in hooks for expanding ragdoll shockwave when a player is successfully scanned (still WIP)
- CTF-Dam
- swapped out old lift meshes
- added missing shallow water volumes now that we have audio cues
1:42:25 | Heppoko
次世代Unreal Tournament Pre Alpha版の今週分のビルドである、ビルド2324838が10/10付けでリリースされている。
11:05:13 | Heppoko
次世代Unreal Tournament Pre Alpha版の今週分のビルドである、ビルド2318482が10/03付けでリリースされている。
22:15:45 | Heppoko
次世代Unreal Tournament Pre Alpha版のビルド2310572が09/26付けでリリースされている。このバージョンでは特に目立った変更点はなく、バグ修正がメインとなっている。
13:13:36 | Heppoko
次世代Unreal Tournament Pre Alpha版のビルド2230311が09/19付けでリリースされている。このバージョンよりGameTypeにDuelが追加され、DeckTestにBGM(いつものアレ)が追加された。
21:54:51 | Heppoko
次世代Unreal Tournament Pre Alpha版のビルド2294489が09/12付けでリリースされている。このバージョンより32bit版が利用できるようになっている。その他のぱっと見で分かる変更点については、メニューUIの色変更程度。